Pilot Factory
The RegMed XB Pilot Factory is one of the largest international infrastructures for regenerative medicine. It brings together all the expertise and infrastructure needed to bring regenerative medicine to the market. Our mission is to accelerate the development of new solutions for chronic diseases and to bring affordable regenerative medicine therapies to patients.
The Pilot Factory consists of an ecosystem of specialized pilot lines that support universities, research institutes, start-ups and industry with developing, testing, upscaling and producing their new regenerative medicine therapies.
Take a closer look at our state-of-the-art facilities and discover how the RegMed XB Pilot Factory is accelerating the development of regenerative medicine solutions. Watch our video now to learn more!
Why the Regenerative Medicine infrastructure?
The RegMed XB Pilot Factory is a unique infrastructure that consists of facilities covering the entire chain of development and production of stem cells, mini-organs, tissues and smart (bio)materials. Around each pilot line, companies and knowledge institutions work together on the development of (clinical) applications and increasingly better, cheaper, scalable and exportable production equipment and services. The pilot lines are connected and complementary public private partnerships. This has shown to be effective in delivering the highest quality for our clients.
What do we offer?
We offer our infrastructure, state-of-the-art technologies and expertise to universities, research institutes, start-ups and industry.
- Strong public-private partnerships.
- State-of-the-art technologies and production facilities.
- Research and development services and expertise.
- Adherence to golden standards and regulatory guidelines.

Biomaterials pilot line
Smart Biomaterials Consortium (SBMC) is the biomaterials pilot line of the Pilot Factory.
This pilot line is located in Eindhoven in the vicinity of Eindhoven University and on the Technology Campus.
SBMC has shared development laboratories and a pilot production facility. The development laboratories are the place to optimize the processing and fabrication of biomaterials products, and evaluate its safety, efficacy and biological response. SBMC staff is available to guide the use of equipment and optimization and to carry out contract manufacturing assignments.
In the pilot production facility scale-up and automation challenges for industrial scale fabrication of biomaterials and biodegradable implants can be tackled in an environment representative to your future factories, adhering to all applicable regulations and procedures.
Get in touch with SBMC
Stem cells pilot line
NecstGen is the stem cells pilot line of the Pilot Factory with focus on cell and gene therapy. This pilot line is located in Leiden in the vicinity of Leiden Bio Science Park. NecstGen has a purpose-built GMP facility for cell and gene therapy development and manufacturing.
The facility supports researchers and companies in the translation and development of their therapies into the clinical. NecstGen offers process and analytical development, contract manufacturing for cell therapy, gene therapy, viral vectors, as well as cleanroom rental.
NecstGen supports preclinical and clinical grade manufacturing, contract development and production, regulatory dossier support, analytical and process development, industry experts in-house.
Get in touch with NecstGen
iPSC and OoC pilot line
LUMC is the iPSC and Organ-on-Chip pilot line of the Pilot Factory. This pilot line is located in Leiden in the vicinity of Leiden Bio Science Park.
The LUMC hiPSC & OoC hotel offers research services to scientists from universities and to companies, supporting them to make human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) and Organ-on-Chip (OoC) models.
The hiPSC services contain the isolation and reprogramming of somatic cells and evaluation of hiPSCs. Also, the facility offers the possibility to make isogene (controle) lines with CRISPR/Cas9 technology. The research services on the topic of OoC are related to the biological component rather than the technology itself. Activities include developing protocols and assays, choosing the right chip-setup for specific biological questions and independent qualification.
Get in touch with LUMC
Microtissue pilot line
Innovation Center for Advanced Therapies (ICAT) is the microtissue pilot line of the Pilot Factory. This pilot line is located in Utrecht in the vicinity of Utrecht science park.
ICAT integrates 3 facilities; a biofabrication pilot facility, a GMP simulation facility, and a GMP production facility, enabling the development, optimization and standardization of complex manufacturing processes of engineered immune cells and (patient specific) microtissues.
These facilities are embedded within the environments of an academic medical center with access to a relevant patient population, a clinical trial infrastructure, regulatory expertise.
Get in touch with ICAT
Macrotissue pilot line
ReGEN Biomedical is the macrotissue pilot line of the Pilot Factory. This pilot line is located in Maastricht in the vicinity of Brightlands Health Campus.
ReGEN focusses on producing R&D and GMP grade robust and reproducible pieces of tissue on large scale. Applications for these tissues may vary from toxicity or drug screening or ex vivo disease models, to ATMP’s such as allogeneic tissue transplants.
The aim is to develop a fully automated modular production platform, generating regulatory compliant tissue constructs that are aimed to be used in a clinical setting. The platform is designed to be a closed system, equipped with advanced appropriate offline and inline quality control systems, allowing for high throughput production of a wide variety of technology compatible macrotissues.
Get in touch with ReGEN Biomedical
All services of the Pilot Factory
Research services
- Biofabrication
- Cell-material interaction studies
- Cell and gene therapies
- Disease models
- hiPSC
- Immunological assays
- Organ-on-Chip
- Organoids
- Patient-specific microtissues
Processing, scale up, and manufacturing services
- Process development
- Analytical development
- (Bio)material processing technologies
- Mechatronics
- Contract manufacturing
- Manufacturing processes
- Medical product manufacturing
- GMP simulation
- GMP production
- Commercially available transplants
Infrastructure services
- Cleanroom rental
- Machine rental
- Hiring expertise- training
- Lab/innovation rental
Get in touch!
Do you have questions or do you want to make use of our infrastructure or the expertise of our team, let’s connect. Together we bring regenerative medicine solutions to the patient!