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A first step towards personalized prediction of thrombus formation risk and thromboembolism with regard to ex-vivo perfusion of organs such as the heart.
25 Feb 2022


A first step towards personalized prediction of thrombus formation risk and thromboembolism with regard to ex-vivo perfusion of organs such as the heart.

Mohammad Rezaeimoghaddam and Frans van de Vosse have published a paper with the title ”Continuum modeling of thrombus formation and growth under different shear rates” in the Journal of Biomechanics.

The aim of their study was to introduce a novel computational scheme using a continuum model of thrombus formation. They validated the results with in-vitro experiments of a microfluidics chamber, both spatially and temporally. They also simulated thrombus formation in a blood vessel and showed that their results for 3D arbitrary domains are quite promising. This newly developed model will enable the prediction of sites that are prone to thrombus formation under physiological and pathological conditions.

This study from the Cardiovascular Moonshot intended as a first step towards personalized prediction of thrombus formation risk and thromboembolism with regard to ex-vivo perfusion of organs such as the heart.

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